Friday, September 20, 2013

Teaching them with the help of these products

Friends have been asking me what products I'm using for homeschooling, and character training, and so on. I thought I would just make a list with links for them, but then thought I might as well put it out here on the blog:) As I'm even typing "character training" I just want you to know 2 of mine have been aggressively arguing the past 2 days so there is nothing perfect here regarding behavior. We do pray and desire our kids would obey. We KEEP working toward the goal of them being good listeners and first time obedience. Here is a number 1 blog to read! Helps you keep a Godly perspective, living with Thanks in order to bring Joy. Even better read her book and THEN read her blog too:) As far as character training Doorposts products are my favorite. We are currently loving this little gem of a book, Honor your Father and Mother and I have each child sit with me individually while we talk about one page and then I let them color it:) I also just downloaded these Letter Lessons which look amazing, and we started last week with Attentive and the kids really understood. This next week we will talk about being Brave. These are all Christian character traits backed with scripture:). Since the beginning of my homeschool journey (years ago really), I've been following these two blogs the most and have gotten the most resources from them. There are so many homeschool mom blogs, but these two are simply the best as far as resources:). 1+1+1=1 and Confessions of a Homeschooler. Currently we are using (and LOVING) these 3 curriculums 1. Math U See for Math - here is how it works for us: Monday they watch a 5 minute DVD of Mr. Math as we call him (the Math U See creator) as he introduces the new concept. We practice with the amazing blocks that you get with MUS. Tuesday - Thursday we do the worksheets while also using the blocks (they DO still need worksheet practice with math bc on all tests this is what is required...), and Friday they take a test and teach the concept back to me, they get to be the teacher:) We love how hands on MUS is, as well as how the teacher introduces the concepts is really age appropriate and fun for them. (for example, "Decimal Street" with houses for each place value and blocks live girls love that). We are only on 1st grade but so far loving this. 2. All About Reading - I tried to do this last year with my girls and it was too hard for Kindergarten. We are doing Level 1, and this year they are taking off. Again we need all our curriculums to be very hands on as well as fun. This reading program is very diversified. Hands on, activities, and also fluency reading where they read words off a page (this can get a little challenging for them but I"v seen growth from them persevering through). They have 3 readers that come with Level 1 and on Wednesday Avery was so excited to keep reading that she finished the first reader! 3. Heart of Dakota - Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory. We are LOVING HOD. This encompasses History, Geography, Spelling, Bible, Science, Art. What I love is that it is simple and fun and most of all Christ Centered! Everything flows together perfectly and whether we are reading different stories about pilgrims, doing a science experiment, or memorizing a bible verse it is simple, sweet, effective, and all pointing back to the topic of the week and JESUS! Love that:) *With all of these 3 programs it requires VERY little planning on the part of the teacher. This is a huge difference for me from last year where I put together my own curriculum and spent many many hours planning it all out. When you have other children and other life activities going on, it is SO nice to trust your curriculum and be able to let it go at the end of our school day (which is typically around 11am). The boys are doing TOT trays from 1+1+1=1, and I put a variety of things on their trays like puzzles, worksheets, beans, beads, do a dot markers, coloring, more puzzles, sorting, etc. Canon's preschool teacher was kind enough to give me extra copies of the Abeka PreK books which I tear out some of those pages for him too:) All in all my focus is there hearts, something we spend quite a lot of time talking about because every single day at least one of them has a bad attitude that continues on throughout our school day and requires many stern talkings and one on one heart talks. We are not doing it perfect, nor are we TRYING to be perfect. I"m just trying to be real with my kids, teach them in the most effective way, spend time with them, and learn with them. They are all different, so I"m trying to find the curriculums that best fit all learners so I don't box any of my kids in. I also know there is SO much out there. My life is so full I am always on a mission to keep it simple. I like the above products and eventually I'm sure I'll learn about something else out there thats amazing. For now I am content to keep it simple, use what we have and not get overwhelmed comparing to others or spending too much money trying out all the newest and best things. I would love your feedback, especially if you are using or have used any of these products. Blessings to you all and hope you have a great weekend! Shelly

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