Sunday, September 15, 2013

Canon's second year of Soccer

Amazing the difference a year makes. And the fact that this year they are playing 3 on 3, no goalie and a smaller field. SO wish it had been this way last year for Atley, maybe she would have wanted to play again... Last year we had many melt downs from Canon during his soccer games. He was playing up, playing even with Kindergartners as a 3 turning 4 year old. He would always run after the ball but hardly ever got to kick it, and actually did score 1 goal but it was for the wrong team. (He still does not know that though...haha) So we were really excited and happy for him this year to be playing with kids his own age and with conditions where they can succeed. Phillip is his coach again and his good buddie Noah is on his team again too. He has the best cheering squad with his sisters and little brother who yell for him the whole time. Atley even made him a sign today:) Some sweet ZOE kids have come and cheered his team on, along with his Mimi and Papa. His first game he scored 6 goals and each time would run right back to Phillip with a half smile on his face, almost embarrassed but totally proud of himself. Today during his second game Phillip had him share the ball more and we were so proud of his attitude as he let others score and was happy for them. Seriously, this is a BIG change from last year. We have praised this child SO much this weekend:)

This last one is so cute to me, Canon had just scored and was running back around. His buddy Noah was right behind him and is jumping up in the air celebrating. So cute:)

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