Wednesday, February 20, 2013

iphone dump with actual captions this time:)

 my sweet sweet view in the mornings
 they took these pictures themselves...:)
 champ helping daddy get the remote
 sweet silly boy
 loves his puzzles!
 running around outside while I watch from the window:)
 tot school
 daddy's surprise to us all on Vday...he's seriously the greatest, love him!
 C's vday party at his preschool

 went on a mommy/sons date for Vday.  They were SO sweet to me, prayed for our ice cream, held my hands:)
 posed for pictures
 new placemats for keeping busy at the table

Cold Winter Nites for ZOE this weekend!! We had Senior girls at our house and the kids spent the night with mimi and papa one of the nights.  This little guy took a nap in my lap for two hours while girls game in and out from snow tubing.  He's so squishy and snuggly I just love it.
 CWN Seniors, so fun:)
 Sweet Atley with little Raylee:)!  Was fun to see Matt Lauren and Raylee this weekend too!!
 how is it a house can be so messy in just 5 minutes.  as moms we take pictures of this so we can look back and see the joy in it right:)
 obviously he is the easiest to capture on camera these days
and he is OBSESSED with kissing:)

the boys have started bringing their school work in with the girls, all of us together.  
wouldn't have it any other way
yes its really loud sometimes and I can't hear myself talking
but so worth it:)

1 comment:

  1. love your sweet squishy baby :) champ!
    and love that photo of your girl and raylee. precious! she is so proud
    do those school trays/desks that the kids are using stack? they are awesome! whered you get them?
    love you friend. so proud of the hard work that you put in that no one sees...those many mornings when it is just YOU and those kids of yours, schooling and praying and talking and laughing and learning. love you
